Answers For Your Truss Design Questions
Do you have a project that requires the analysis of an existing structure with prefabricated metal plate connected wood truss framing? Are you having trouble tracking down the original Truss Design Drawings? Do you have the Truss Designs but need to know how they would handle additional loading or modification? You’re in the right place.

Truss Designs & Repairs

Retrofits & Loading Questions

Truss Placement Diagrams
Let us be your truss pal
Instead of relying on manual methods or begging a truss manufacturer to run a design for you, let us provide you with a Truss Design Drawing or Truss Placement Diagram that matches the trusses you are working with.
Napkin sketch to detailed design
Whether you have a rough sketch on a napkin or detailed drawings, we can turn that information into truss design drawings that can help answer your questions. Simply fill out our project request form and upload any documents you have!

Our Services
From single trusses to complicated roof layouts, we have you covered
Truss Repairs

Field repair?
When assessing damaged trusses, it can be difficult to know whether it can be fixed in the field or will require an additional scab truss. Let us help take the guess work out for you.
Loading Questions

Solar, Green Roofs, HVAC
How many times have you been asked late in the development process if trusses can handle additional or unexpected loading conditions? We get it, and we can help.
Truss Diagrams